
KWIKplayer can be set to take a playlist instead of a single video.

Adding a playlist to the player instead of a single video will add a playlist button on the player. When clicked, the button will display a list of the videos that are in the playlist by thumbnails and titles.

In order to add a playlist instead of a single video, a "playlist" key needs to be available in the player's object instead of the video's items.

playlist key is an array of objects, whith each object containing the items for a single video. Each video can have its own unique settings at setup.

     kwikMotion("player10", {
        //This will add a playlist
        playlist: [     //adding our playlist array
        {               //our first video in the playlist.
            image: '',
            sources: [{file: ""},
                {file: ""},
                {file: ""}],
            title: 'Jaguar I-PACE eTROPHY 2018',
            tracks: [{
                file: '',
                kind: 'thumbnails'
        }, {         //our second video in the playlist
            image: '',
            sources: [
                {file: ""},
                {file: ""},
                {file: ""}],
            title: 'A rich man gives money to people in London',
            tracks: [{
                file: '',
                kind: 'thumbnails'