Player Hotkeys

KWIKplayer has full hotkey integration and allows the users to control the player by using keys.

Below is a list of the hotkeys that can be used to easily deal with the player.

  • Space bar toggles play/pause.
  • Left mouse click toggles play/pause.
  • Left arrow fast plays (rewinds) the video backwards.
  • Right Arrow fast plays (rewinds) the video forwards.
  • Up and Down Arrow keys increase and decrease the volume in 10% increments and decrements.
  • M key toggles mute/unmute.
  • F key toggles fullscreen off and on.
  • Double-clicking with the mouse toggles fullscreen off and on.
  • Number keys from 0-9 seek the video to a relative percentage of it. 0 seeks 0% and 9 seeks 90%.

Try them!